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Invited talks:

  • Interfaces or emerging science:
    • Molecules and dust at high redshift, P.Cox (IAP)
    • Astrochemistry of ices, M. McClure (Amsterdam)
  • Observations:
    • ISM in nearby galaxies, S. Madden (CEA)
    • Dust and gas as tracers of star formation, A.Hacar (Sterrewacht Leiden)
    • Astrochemistry as a first step in exobiology, C.Ceccarelli (IPAG)
  • Modeling/simulations:
    • The emergence of artificial intelligence methods in ISM studies, E. Bron (LERMA)
    • Simulating the Milky-Way eco-system, P. Hennebelle (CEA)
  • Laboratory:
    • Results of Nanocosmos, C. Joblin (IRAP)
    • From spectroscopic studies to astrophysical detections: recent results and prospective, R. Motiyenko (PhLAM)
    • State-to-state chemistry, A. Faure (IPAG)
  • Instrumental talks:
    • SPICA: The next M5 mission of ESA? M. Sauvage (CEA)
    • CFHT and the MSE project, D. Devost (CFHT)
    • Recent news of IRAM, A.Gusdorf (LPENS)
    • High resolution far-IR spectroscopy at SOLEIL synchrotron in support for astrophysical detections, present and future developements, O.Pirali (ISMO)

In addition, there will be 24 contributed talks

Posters will be put on the web-site of the conference in PDF format the week before the conference. Poster contributers will also have the possibility to record a 3 to 5 minutes video, which will be made available to the community also the week before the conference. This would replace the flash poster sessions.

4 three-hours workshops on the following subjects were initially selected:


  • Astrobiology at PCMI (details)

  • High-redshift galaxies chemistry (details)

  • Understanding kinematic signatures from cloud collapse to planet formation: what are the current chemo-dynamical modeling challenges? (details)
  • The ionization fraction of the interstellar medium (details)

The workshops will not happen in virtual format.Two of the four organizing committees ("Understanding kinematic signatures from cloud collapse to planet formation: what are the current chemo-dynamical modeling challenges?" and "The ionization fraction of the interstellar medium") agreed to organize these workshops later in 2020 or in 2021. There will be   teaser talk for these. The two remaining committees preferred to resubmit workshop propositions for the 2022 conference.

Finally, there will be an outreach conference in French:

Outreach conference:

  • "Du MIS aux systèmes planétaires: évolution de la matière organique vers le vivant"


Book of Abstracts:

Book of abstracts

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